I am currently taking a gap year after finishing my first year at college. I decided to take some time off and figure out what I want to do in the longterm. While figuring out the "long-term" aspect of my life, I will also be working my 6th year at the Biscuit, I started when I was just 14, now I'm 19. When I'm not working with my second family at the Biscuit, I also spend some of my time working at The Flannagan Community Center. When I'm not working though, you can usually spot me downtown walking my best pal Baxter (ps. he is a dog), if you think you see me but you're not really sure, one easy way to tell would be the fact that I'm usually dancing and singing to Baxter while we're walking. Besides Baxter, I also have two feline ladies who can be pretty sassy. When I'm not making a fool out of myself downtown, I'm usually at home learning a new skill since I constantly have to be doing something. A a few of my favorite things to do would be playing the guitar, piano, and this may be shocking to many, but I also enjoy solving one of my various rubiks cube.
Meet The Team Member: Autumn

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