What Barbara Jean Feeds...
Hello, I am Barbara Jean. I work in the Belfast store and sometimes the Camden/Rockport store.  This is my little girl Lil' Poppi. She likes to bring me her bowls when she is hungry or if one of the water bowls is empty.


She injured her left leg two years ago running on ice. The the right leg became sore from carrying the weight of the left leg. I started her on CBD oil in January of 2018 because the pain was so bad she started walking on her front two legs. What an amazing change it made. She went back to walking normally and running with joy. I still have to monitor her for over use but the CBD oil has gone from two doses a day to "as needed".

She is fed a diet of 1/2 cup kibble (right now that is Orijen Six Fish), 2 oz of raw meat (right now that is Steve's Raw), a spoon full of Green JuJu, a splash of Primal Goat Milk, a 1/4 teaspoon of Earth Animal Nature's Protection and warm water to cover two times a day. I often throw in a raw egg as I have chickens.
I chose Orijen as it is made of whole foods, rather than a vitamin pack, giving her the most readily available nutrition. Raw is a necessary part of her diet to insure she has enough enzymes in her gut for proper digestion and to keep her immune system working properly. Again the raw gives her more readily available nutrition. We have multiple raw options and I have used them all. Primal Goat Milk is added to provide pre and pro biotics, ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon. All providing nutrition, gut health and immune defense. I grew up on organic goat milk and can't say enough about the health benefits. The Green JuJu is new to LBC. The greens help keep her renal system functioning and the bone broth keeps her gut from becoming too porous and keeps her veins strong. The EA Nature's Protection is added to keep the ticks away. I started adding it last fall and again this spring and I do see that it is an effective part of my tick defense plan.
What we feed

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